Warp Children's Minds With MOVIES R FUN!

Depending on how you view it, PIXAR story artist Josh Cooley is either a genius, or a sick, sick man.
Personally, I’m thinking the former. Why, you ask?
Over on his really awesome blog, Cooley has been producing a series of images from decidedly R-rated films, drawn in the classic, Golden Books style, which I’m fairly sure all readers of this site grew up with.
Due to the immense popularity of these images, he’s going to be going to print for a full book this summer, titled Movies R Fun!
He’s supposed to be offering this collection at San Diego Comic Con, as well as on his blog, and personally, I think I’ll have to pick one up…if only to eventually warp my poor, poor spawn.
[gallery link=“file” columns=“4”]
Monday May 24, 2010