Having grown up loving Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, I've truly felt for today's youth at their lack of access to all sorts of Warner Brothers animated greatness.

Sure, there have been some AMAZING DVD sets released compiling all of the toons, but at least my generation even had Tiny Toon Adventures and Taz-Mania to keep the new WB classics coming.  Unfortunately for today’s youth, the best they’ve had is…Loonatics. And the less said about that ugly, angsty trainwreck, the better.

This changes now, with two 2 initiatives pushed by Warner Bros.  First, Cartoon Network will be receiving a new series, titled The Looney Tunes Show, putting Bugs and Daffy back on TV as wacky roommates living together.  Sounds fun enough, but what has me SUPER excited is the other big push.

Brand new, 3D-animated shorts before Warner Brothers films.

Say what you will about the push for 3D (the above still from the first, starring Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner looks good enough), there’s something truly great about a short animated feature before a film. It’s another nice touch which adds to the theatrical experience which only Pixar has used in recent memory.

The bad part for WB though? The first short premieres in front of the miserably green-lit 3D sequel to Cats & Dogs.

Here’s hoping they succeed anyway. I want today’s kids to know how truly great WB can be!

Source: NYTimes.com.