You know the internet has really changed when the source for breaking news isn’t the Associated Press, or Reuters, but instead - someone’s twitter account.

The someone in this instance? DC Entertainment (still sounds douchey, like when WWF became the WWE) creative head Geoff Johns.

The news? Blue Beetle might be hitting the small screen.

Yesterday, Geoff started getting fans salivated with this first tweet.

BLUE BEETLE NEWS from DCE!! We have a live-action test of Jaime Reyes' scarab activating his suit. It. Is. Awesome.
Of course, what was that test for? Johns continued....
Blue Beetle's going to appear in most of the Brave and the Bold's this year and we're hoping to develop a live-action show. Fingers crossed!
But that's all well and good, but why can't we, the fans see it? Worry not...
If I can break it out of the vault, I'll bring it to SDCC. LIVE ACTION BLUE BEETLE!!
OK, so they're working on a Blue Beetle TV show, and we might see the first test footage at SDCC. Stands to reason that given how Hollywood that San Diego Comic Con has become that DCE would attempt to get some good word of mouth going amongst the attending studio reps, Blue Beetle really the right character to give a TV show?

Sure, Smallville is long in the tooth and apparently won’t die, but I’m not sure if Beetle has the name to really grab new fans. You hear the name, it sounds like a bad Spider-Man rip off, and it’s not like his book has been a huge seller.  I will say that DC has done a great job of making the character seem like a big player (given his integration into Brave & The Bold), but I feel like a lengthy TV show would be a better fit for something like Green Lantern - sure, there’s the movie coming, but what about a Green Lantern Corps TV show, mixing equal parts Stargate and anthology program, each episode spotlighting a different GL in a different world or universe.

But that’s just my dream…and I’m sure that for someone, somewhere, this Blue Beetle news is VERY exciting.

Source:  ComicsAlliance.