As you’ve probably gathered, I’m quite the LEGO fan.

While I don’t indulge in building custom creations anymore, I can still lose hours looking at some of the amazing builds of different creators all across the web.

This, however, may be the most amazing custom build I’ve ever seen.

Put together by Flickr user “Pepa Quin”, they went well above and beyond the call of duty, creating every major building from the Futurama series, mini-figures of every major character, and pieced it together in a jawdroppingly detailed diorama of New New York.

I’ve embedded a slideshow of the city above, but there are individual galleries for each building that underline how meticulous the build really is.

As a LEGO nerd and a Futurama fan, I cannot begin to describe how giddy looking at this makes me feel.  Maybe someone at LEGO is seeing this, and we’ll see the real deal one day. I’ll buy it!

Source: ComicsAlliance.