5 New TRON LEGACY Images Make Jeff Bridges Look Badass!

We are one week away from San Diego Comic Con (or as some douchey media-types love to call it, Nerd-Prom), and one of the belles of the ball is sure to be the premiere of additional media from this December’s long awaited Tron sequel - Tron Legacy.
In order to stoke the flames of fandom, Disney just released 5 new images from the film, most notably the super bad-ass image of Jeff Bridges, with his glowy hooded jacket. Maybe this movie will finally give the Oscar winning actor a chance to grow out of the “IN A CAVE WITH SCRAPS” meme with the fanboy-base.
Either way, I can’t wait to see what they premiere, and more so, share it with you when it hits.
Source: Empire Magazine.
Wednesday July 14, 2010