I’ve already gone on file as saying that I’m fairly sure that the Yogi Bear movie is a terrible, horrible no good idea.

But then Yahoo! had to go and unveil the poster on a slow news day.

What a horrid mess this looks like.

Sure, I know, the designers behind this movie (just as the teams behind Alvin & The Chipmunks and The Smurfs) have to take cartoon designs and meld them with a real world aesthetic, but I’ll be damned if the “real” Yogi and Boo Boo don’t look like something that will haunt small children in their sleep.

With their dead eyes, I can’t help but think of deactivated Chuck E. Cheese animatronic characters…and that’s probably not a good sign.

Oh, and just a heads up, logo team? Having Yogi’s mouth in the title there? I know you’re aiming for “he eats!”, but it really looks like the worst fleshlight ever created by man.

Yogi Bear scars children for life and makes more money than I’ll ever see in my lifetime on December 17th.

Source: Yahoo!.

EDIT: Because we both seem to be masochists, here is the trailer for this horror-fest.