After seeing his creator owned titles Kick-Ass and Wanted become successful Hollywood films, it should come as no surprise that Mark Millar has sold the rights to his latest comic, Nemesis.

What should be a surprise, is that the rights have been sold to 20th Century Fox before the third issue even hits stands.

Co-created with Civil War artist Steve McNiven, Nemesis is best summarized as what would happen if Batman weren’t on the side of good, but rather a crazed villain - or, as Millar puts it in his trademark way: “What if Batman was a cunt?”

Taking a Batman style genius and turning him into a wildly intelligent terrorist, the comic really pushes the limits of the superhero genre to say the least, but it should make for an interesting film.

Attached to the film as director is Tony Scott, brother of Ridley, best known for directing True Romance, Enemy of the State and Man on Fire, amongst many others.

Here’s hoping the adaptation of Nemesis, like Kick-Ass, takes what works best about the comics, and filters out Millar’s propensity to shock just to be shocking.

There is no set release date for Nemesis at this time. The question now? How quickly will Millar’s next book, Superior be optioned?
