The movie’s filmed, the last volume is released, I’ve already reviewed the flick, we’re pretty much done with Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, yes?
In an amazing deluge of well timed marketing, this week is just an absolute flood of Scott Pilgrim related content.
With the interest of keeping everything in one place, here’s everything awesome you need to see from this week.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game hit yesterday on PlayStation 3 and hits on August 25th on XBox Live for just $10 (if the PSN price is the same as XBox). Early reviews are VERY positive, and I can't wait to play it.
Both the official movie soundtrack (featuring Metric, Beck and Broken Social Scene) and the official score (by Nigel Godrich) have been released, and if you like, you can stream both releases here!
- Need proof of how perfect a translation the movie is from comic to film? Check out this awesome video which recreates the movie's trailer with panels from the original comic!
- About that video game - before it was an awesome 2-D side scroller, it was just a simple pitch. Want to see how UbiSoft Montreal convinced Bryan Lee O'Malley they were the right developer? Check out this amazing proof of concept video that mixes Scott Pilgrim with some NES classics and chiptune versions of alternative rock hits.
Last, but far from least, if you haven't read the comics before today, you now have little excuse, as Oni Press has teamed up with Comixology to release the official Scott Pilgrim app for iPhone/iPad! Each volume is just $7, with the latest volume at cover price ($12). Is it sad that I'm considering re-buying them digitally?
Wednesday August 11, 2010