As has become customary for his films, Edgar Wright threw all sorts of details into the background of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

One such detail were the charts of the different bands Sex Bob-omb was facing on their way toward success, as “drawn” by bandleader Stephen Stills.

In reality, Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O’Malley made the charts for Crash ‘N The Boys and the dastardly Katayanagi Twins, and he’s been kind enough to upload them onto his personal Flickr account, and now I’ve brought them here to Blast-O-Rama for you!

If you were squinting your eyes in the theater to get all the little details, worry not - you can click through the gallery below for every blow by blow of every band member!

Source: Scott Pilgrim Band Sketches - a set on Flickr.

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