Did I fall asleep, and the past 6 years of my life have been some sort of weird, very realistic dream?

Because Fox TV has evidently decided that it’s 2004, and greenlighting a Napoleon Dynamite cartoon is a GRAND idea.

Just set up for a 6 episode run, the cartoon returns Jon Heder to the role that made him big, and the series is being handled by Dynamite’s original creator, Jared Hess, so it’s not like this won’t feel like the original film.  I just can’t help but ask, what loose ends were left untied at the end of that film? Do we really need a sequel?

Granted, I’m sure this is how audiences felt when the Clerks cartoon was announced, and we all know what an underappreciated gem that was.

I’m left wondering only one more thing - with Fox already having a solid block of cartoons (and between longevity and a $100 million deal respectively, I don’t see The Simpsons or the Macfarlane properties going anywhere), when do they intend to air both this and the green-lit at the same time Jonah Hill project, Allen Gregory?

It’s like they plan these shows to fail.

Source: Deadline.com.