It was over a year ago that I first wrote about Paul, and with the movie finally set to hit theaters on March 18th, Universal has finally taken the wraps off of the Simon Pegg/Nick Frost starring alien comedy.

Featuring the Hot Fuzz/Shaun of the Dead duo as two sci-fi geeks traveling the US who encounter the titular alien (voiced by Seth Rogen), this teaser trailer is our first look at the film, and more importantly, our first look at Paul himself.

Honestly, on the simple concept of the movie, I was skeptical, but with Pegg and Frost anchoring an amazing cast (including Jane Lynch, Jason Bateman, Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig) and Greg Motolla (Superbad) behind the camera, I have little doubt that this is going to be one heck of a watch next Spring.

Color me there.

Source: Cinematical.