Seriously, folks.

It’s not that Battle: Los Angeles looks bad. Heck, this teaser trailer makes it look great, even, despite it’s bargain bin video game-esq title.

The issue is that with Skyline (which this trailer is attached), Paul, Cowboys & Aliens and this film, are we going to end up a little aliened out by the end of 2011?

Sure, alien movies are generally pretty cool, and some are good (or looking good, like some which I just mentioned), but why does Hollywood have so many instances of aiming at the same target at the same time?

It’s like the year Deep Impact and Armageddon hit at the same time.  Sure, people can have the same thoughts at the same time without trying, but it just leads to moments where movies feel samey, and the viewer doesn’t feel like leaving home, as they might just see the same damn flick they saw the week before.

Sorry, I veered way off path, as really, I do think Battle: Los Angeles' teaser trailer is rather evocative and grabs the viewer, but maybe 2012 we space out our genres a bit, yeah?

Battle: Los Angeles hits theaters on March 11th, 2011.

Source: Latino Review.