GREEN LANTERN Trailer Doesn't Feel Quite Right
Late last week, Warner Bros released the first trailer of Green Lantern to the web.
Set to be attached to Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part 1, the trailer was released to the web a bit early, to allow fans to see it in glorious HD via, as opposed to the shoddy phone cam shot versions that would surely hit the web otherwise.
At the time of it’s release, I watched it. In HD even. And yet I couldn’t shake a feeling of unsureness about the project, at least from what we’ve seen so far.
And so I waited until I saw the trailer “properly”, projected on a large screen in a dark theater (I really enjoyed Potter, btw). But yet I’m still left unsure about this adaptation.
What does it do right? The shift in tone, even in the trailer is great. It looks like a goofy comedy about a smart ass fighter pilot, and then WHAM, the sci-fi hits you in the face, alongside the DC and Warner Bros logos. And holy crap, Oa looks STUNNING. As do the other Lanterns, for that matter.
But then the flaws show. The all CG Green Lantern suit? Looks laughably bad. Like, absolutely plasticine and awkward. Sure, the ‘breathing’ in the suit looks great, but that mask is TERRIBLE. And then after a great break in tone, going from goofy comedy to major superhero event film, the trailer goes back to comedy? Sure, this is but a snippet of the film, but are we going to be faced with such uneven shifts in tone in the final project?
I sure hope not.
I know one way or another, my ticket will be purchased for Green Lantern on or around June 17th, 2011, but I cannot help but feel like this movie isn’t heading down the right path. We shall see.
Tuesday November 23, 2010