Oh My God, MONDO Is Doing DEL TORO Posters!
I know, I’m practically swinging on the teet of amazing poster makers Mondo (an offshoot of the amazing Alamo Drafthouse movie theater chain) by covering all of their poster releases, but when the projects are as great as they are, it’s hard to say no.
Well, they pretty much ensured that I would go gaga for their next series of posters, which kicks off what they’ve dubbed a “Director’s Series” of custom poster prints.
The first director to be celebrated? One of my favorites - Guillermo Del Toro.
The initial two posters to be released will be two colorways of a Blade II poster, but in the near future, additional films will be covered, including Chronos, The Devil’s Backbone, Pan’s Labyrinth and both Hellboy films.
The Blade II posters will go on sale tomorrow (keep an eye on Mondo’s twitter for the official release time announcement) and we have a first look at both styles below.
No additional directors have been announced (at this time) for the series, but I’d imagine they’ll fit the same cult level as Guillermo Del Toro (Chris Nolan? Edgar Wright, mayhaps?)
As more details are released, you know I’ll cover them. Stay tuned.
Wednesday December 1, 2010