While Kick-Ass didn't do amazing box office business, it's hard not to believe that its effects weren't felt in Hollywood.

And the trailer for this April’s Hanna certainly shows me that one of the things it made people believe is that girls being violent heroes can be awesome.

Now, I’m not 100% sold on this film, featuring The Lovely Bones' Saoirse Ronan as the titular Hanna, an adolescent ass-kicker trained by her ex CIA father (Eric Bana). But there are enough things to make me ignore that what should be a very violent film is hit with a PG-13.

The concept is unique enough to intrigue me, and then there’s this note…the score is by The Chemical Brothers. Yes, those Chemical Brothers, the 90’s techno icons.

No matter what, win lose or draw, if their score is to Hanna what Daft Punk’s was to Tron Legacy or Trent Reznor’s was to The Social Network, it’s going to be an interesting outing at the movies.

Let’s just hope the movie doesn’t fall into the same, cookie-cutter traps which so many other promising action films has as of late. I’d sure love to feel right about being excited here.

Hanna hits theaters on April 8th, 2011.

Source: Badass Digest.