[caption id=“attachment_4892” align=“aligncenter” width=“500” caption=“Click For High-Rez!"][/caption]

I feel like this poster should be used as an example of intriguing marketing.

Everything we’ve seen so far from Captain America: The First Avenger has made it feel like an Indiana Jones-esq action romp.

And now today, with the release of the first poster (above), Marvel Studios turns expectations on it’s head.

Gritty. Sad. Rough. Hard fought. This definitely looks like we’re going to see the dark and the light of World War II in this next major superhero romp, and I for one can’t wait.

I’m surprised that Chris Evans is maskless here, but I guess they want to sell the star.

Captain America: The First Avenger hits theaters on July 22, 2011 and the first trailer premieres THIS WEEKEND during the Super Bowl!

EDIT: Here’s a new image from this week’s issue of Empire Magazine. Shows how good the mask/helmet looks!

[caption id=“attachment_4895” align=“aligncenter” width=“500” caption=“Click for Larger!"][/caption]

Source: Yahoo! Movies.