I think it kinda goes without saying that today hasn’t been the best of days.

Waking up to an entire country almost being wiped from the map will do that to you.  If you’re one of my followers on Twitter, you probably noticed that while I wanted to blog, I didn’t know if it was really the “right time”.

I mean, what space does cynicism and nerd rage have when such bigger, more important things are occurring in this world? Who gives a shit what I have to say about the latest superhero reboot sequel prequel based on a book about a TV show, when thousands are dead, dying or without home in Japan?

I hate to invoke September 11th here, but after that, the first Saturday Night Live episode had a very clear, very funny bit.  Lorne Michaels was sitting with Rudy Giuliani, and they had this great exchange.

Lorne Michaels: On behalf of everyone here, I just want to thank you all for being here tonight, especially you, sir.

Mayor Rudolph Guiliani: Thank you, Lorne. Thank you very much. Having our city’s institutions up and running sends a message that New York City is open for business. “Saturday Night Live” is one of our great New York City institutions, and that’s why it’s important for you to do your show tonight.

Lorne Michaels: Can we be funny?

Mayor Rudolph Guiliani: Why start now?

And it struck just the right chord, at just the right time.

As someone who’s guidance, advice and gravitas means more to me than he probably realizes, it meant a lot for Bryan Prindiville to reach out to me today on Twitter.

As he put it…

...[people] need to look away to something light and comfortable. We exist to bring joy.
And he's absolutely right. This blog makes people excited about things, as ostensibly, it's about what makes ME excited. And from what I can tell by the increased traffic as of late, it gets you excited, too.

That’s what the entertainment business is all about. In darkness, it brings the light. In times of sadness, it reminds us of joy. It takes a bad day and makes it great. And I think that’s what everyone in the entertainment business, from D-list bloggers like myself, to A-List performers all strive to do. I realize what I do may not effect many people, but if I can make you excited about something in the future as opposed to worrying about what is happening right now, I feel like I’ve done an OK job.

One day, probably much sooner rather than later, the cynicism will return, and it will probably be sooner rather than later…but I think what we need right now is something to get excited about.

Which leads right into my next post…