Lets preface this post here.

  1. I love Zach Galifinakis. Love, love, LOVE the dude. Ever since I saw him at a Comedians of Comedy show in Towson back in 2005, I’ve been absolutely amazed and entranced with his comedic abilities. His success makes me happy.

  2. I genuinely enjoyed The Hangover. A well timed, well written, funny but crude buddy comedy, it was a really fun night out at the movies, and I’ve enjoyed revisiting it on occasion on Blu-Ray.

That being said…

I cannot see any reason why I’d like to see The Hangover Part II.  And so far, the marketing isn’t helping.  A watch of the trailer basically says that it’s almost the exact same film, but in Bangkok. I mean, they don’t even let Doug get into the action this time!  Oh, and instead of a baby, it’s a monkey. Go ahead, watch the trailer.

Was there ANYTHING new or different there which interested you?

I want to believe that this movie will be an enjoyable time, but the sheer fact that they keep trying to sneak in random cameos by flavor of the moment gags (Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen) doesn’t bode well.

We’ll see if I’m wrong on May 26th.