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The annual Licensing Expo just kicked off in Las Vegas, which is where rights holders for different properties sell off their movies, games, etc. for the purposes of merchandising.

In turn, we’re seeing the first push for The Avengers to these licensers, and Marvel has been kind enough to put together a poster for these fine folks.  Someone on the floor took a photo, and sent it to Bleeding Cool, so now I’ve got it for you (above).

It’s pretty clear that this is a photoshop job, but I’d assume that these are the actual costumes we’ll see in the 2012 Joss Whedon flick.  There are some changes to existing costumes (note the new Iron Man armor, for example) and our first “looks” at Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye and Mark Ruffalo as The Incredible Hulk, but I would figure that things may change between now and the official marketing push.

Any way you cut it, this image is the birth of many fanboy dreams, including my own, and I still cannot believe this movie is REAL!

Source: Bleeding Cool.