Maybe this makes me a bad internet fanboy, but damn it all, I am looking forward to The Amazing Spider-Man!

Sure, the new costume is more than a little odd looking,  but between Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker (actually looking “small” as Spider-Man, too), Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy and a great ensemble cast including Martin Sheen, Sally Field and Dennis Leary, I really think this has a great shot at being good.

Either way, the excitement begins this week, as Entertainment Weekly has released a metric ton of images (low rez versions you may have seen on my Twitter yesterday), and it’s full of great stuff.

These images include close up looks at the costume (which I honestly like the more I see), a look at the mechanical webshooters, and our first peak at Rhys Ifans as Curt Connors, who DOES become The Lizard in this one!  It’s a treasure trove of content for Spidey nerds like myself.

Next week is supposed to have the first trailer released alongside Captain America: The First Avenger so the push for Summer 2012 begins here.

I swear, between Brave, The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers and this flick, my butt will be seeing a LOT of theater seats next year.

The full gallery of images from Entertainment Weekly are below.  Enjoy!


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