This is a rather big week in the world of nerd.

Comic Con International descends upon San Diego, Captain America: The First Avenger hits theaters on Friday and as of today, teaser trailers for two of the biggest films of Summer 2012 have arrived officially, after bootlegged videos of each have gone across the web to much discussion and debate.

There’s a third video that I will not discuss yet, as I feel it’s reveal should remain a surprise (unlike most nerd blogs on the web), but I do wonder if an official version will be available soon.  Never the less, the debate of the biggest movie of Summer 2012 begins here.

Monday brought the release of the teaser trailer for The Dark Knight Rises.  The final installment of the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy, there is already much debate over the contents of this trailer.  I feel it’s unfair, as this is more an “announcement” teaser than a full blown trailer, but I am excited to see Bane in this film, and the tone is just good enough to get us excited.

The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters on July 20th, 2012.

A video getting just as much, if not more debate, is the first trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man. Some people hate the costume (I love it), some people aren’t sure about the cast (I really dig it) but what we all seem to agree on is this: do we really need another origin film?  The preview seems to make a strong argument for it, as this is certainly a new tone for a Spider-Man film, but is it the RIGHT tone?  I like my Spidey fun and wise-cracking…this feels a little too gloomy. In fact, some have called it Twilight-esq, which can’t be good.  One things for sure though, the final POV webswinging shot is super cool, and as this is a flick natively shot in 3D, probably will be very impressive in the much-maligned format.

The Amazing Spider-Man hits theaters July 3rd, 2012.