One of the movies I’ve most enjoyed this year is definitely Duncan Jones' Source Code.

The second film from Jones (responsible for one of my all time favorite movies, Moon), it’s not quite as heady as his prior work, but is a smart, blockbuster level film that is almost a sci-fi version of Groundhog Day.

If you haven’t seen it yet, luckily, the movie was released on DVD/Blu-Ray a few weeks ago, and I highly recommend you check it out.

As for those of us who have seen it…


…you’re probably wondering, how did all of the different timelines work out?

Well, Duncan Jones posted the following doodle on his Twitter earlier this week, which breaks down each separate timeline.  It’s really helpful to understand how it all works.  Enjoy!


[caption id=“attachment_5409” align=“aligncenter” width=“500” caption=“Click for Larger!"][/caption]

Source: Duncan Jones' Twitter.