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By far, my favorite horror movie of all time is the original 1978 John Carpenter Halloween.

It’s a very smart, brilliantly shot, scary film, and it’s inspired countless homages and rip offs ever since - while having little to none of the violence seen in its sequels and fellow slasher films.  So, when I saw that there was a very cool, limited run screenprint coming out based on the film, I just had to share it with the world.

Titled “The Night He Came Home”, the integration of Michael Meyers is nice and subtle, in fact, you could almost miss him.  But once you spot him, the creepiness of the print is in full effect.

Printed by Dark City Gallery, this print is by Dan Mumford (a name I will be paying attention to).  The standard addition, shown at the top of this post, is a 23.5"x31” print limited to a run of 150.

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If you’re feeling particularly fancy, you can go for the metallic/glow in the dark variant (above), which is the same size, but limited to a run of 75.

No pricing details are available, but I’d imagine the prints will go on sale at Dark City Gallery very soon.  You’d think as much, considering Halloween is just six days away…

Source: Posterocalypse.