Lets be honest here - most modern attempts to adopt Dr. Seuss books have been an absolute wreck.

The weird live action Grinch (which scary makeup aside wasn’t too bad), the HORRIFYING Cat in the Hat movie, the list goes on. However, starting with the CG version of Horton Hears A Who, a new renaissance of Seuss film was kicked off, and it looks to continue next year with The Lorax.

Animated by the team who brought us the sublime Despicable Me in 2010, the film looks fantastic, with amazing animation and stunning color work.  I must say, after a few years of his work on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, it’s a bit odd to hear Danny DeVito in a non-sleezy role, but I’m confident he can make it work here.

The trailer for the film is embedded above, and the movie itself, coming in 2D and 3D variants, hits theaters on March 2, 2012 (Seuss’s 108th birthday!)

Source: /Film.