The original Bioshock is a game that I continue to hold as one of the finest gaming experiences of this generation.  And while Bioshock 2 was mostly enjoyable, I’ve been long awaiting something to grab me just as hard as Bioshock did.

Since the first trailer for Bioshock: Infinite was revealed last year, I’ve been devouring every piece of information I could find on the title.  Last night, as a part of the mostly terrible 2011 Video Game Awards, 2K Games unveiled a new trailer for Bioshock: Infinite, and like every piece of video before, it’s left me longing for the release of the game, scheduled for sometime next year.  Go ahead and click play, and join me in the longing.

An aside - how weird is it that this day and age, everyone has to underline that the footage shown is in game? What does that say about the modern state of gaming?