[caption id=“attachment_5840” align=“aligncenter” width=“444” caption=“Click For High-Rez!"][/caption]

I think as the world of Mondo posters grows and grows, there will be prints and posters that we long dream of, that we want to see come alive.

Personally, my dream print would be an Inception poster by Kevin Tong, or a Prestige print from Olly Moss.  That said, sometimes, they hit the nail on the head so hard that you don’t even realize how much you wanted it, until you see it for yourself.

So is the case of the first Studio Ghibli print from Mondo, combining the absolutely wonderful minimalist work of Mr. Olly Moss with one of the greatest animated films of all time, My Neighbor Totoro.

If you’ve never seen Totoro, you truly need to fix this. Yes, it’s a cartoon for children, but at the same time, it’s the theatrical equivalent of a warm fuzzy. It’s impossible to not feel better and brighter in your life after seeing it…and these posters might just leave you feeling the same way.

The standard print is at the top of the post - a 20"x36” print, limited to a run of 400, at $50 a pop.  The variant, however, is very cool.

[caption id=“attachment_5841” align=“aligncenter” width=“444” caption=“Click For High-Rez!"][/caption]

Limited to a run of just 150, for $90, the variant gives praise to the original origins of the film, featuring it’s proper Japanese type set.

These prints go on sale at a random time on Friday, December 16th, so as always…watch Mondo’s Twitter! I know I will be! Papa needs him a Totoro!