This past weekend, I became an official iPad owner. Yes, I know, I’m officially one of “them”. With an iPod Classic semi permanently attached to my car stereo, my phone being an iPhone 4S, this post being written on a MacBook Pro, and now a 3rd Gen iPad, I’m one of those big Apple nerds.

But that is besides the point. Since getting my iPad on Friday, I’ve been reading comics on there like a fiend, and I think I can now officially say that I am a STAUNCH supporter of digital comics. Doesn’t take up space, in some cases are significantly cheaper, and overall, it’s a joy to read in this format. Simply put, I really, wholeheartedly support it. And this is for a “trade wait” kind of guy.

That said, today is the first Wednesday that I got to be one of the masses foaming at the mouth for their new comics in probably a decade, and I’m very excited to be a part of it.

In turn, I’d like to announce the beginning of a new feature here on blast-o-rama. My weekly takes on what I’ve read. Similar to my epic New 52 reviews, I won’t be going super in depth, both to avoid spoilers and to ensure that I can produce these reviews weekly. You’ll get my thoughts, and maybe it will spur you to pick up one of these books.

So, without further adieu, let’s get reading.

Amazing Spider-Man #682 Written by Dan Slott, Art by Stefano Caselli

This is the first part of the major “Ends of the Earth” Spider-Man event. The stakes are pretty high here for Spidey, and luckily for me, they wrote it as a perfect jump on point for new or lapsed fans. The concept is easy - a dying Doctor Octopus has reformed the Sinister Six for one last hurrah. There’s a very interesting twist though, which underlines how Doc Ock wants to go out BIG. Of course, the one person who stands in the way is Peter Parker, our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. He’s apparently become quite the inventor since I last read Spidey regularly, and this pays off not just in his new job, but yes, a new costume at the end. I think this arc is gonna be a good time.

Batman #7 Written by Scott Snyder, Art by Greg Capullo

Adjective-less Batman was one of my favorite books out of the DC New 52, and it hasn’t lost any of its luster in the six months since. The “Court of Owls” arc has continued impressively, and issue 7 absolutely does not let up. Capullo continues to be an artist where you’re left wondering how it’s taken him so long to draw Batman. As for Snyder? Well, between this, his Detective Comics run of “Black Mirror” and the hopefully impressive “Night of Owls”, I think it’s safe to say he’s one of the greatest Bat-writers ever. This arc has been absolutely action packed, and to totally shift the Batman universe in a very subtle way has made this run all the more impactful. Its early, but the Court of Owls and the Talon are rising up in my list of favorite Bat-villains, and if the last page tease was any indication, we’re just getting started. I love this book.

The Invincible Iron Man #514 Written by Matt Fraction, Art by Salvador Larroca

This one I picked up just because I loved the older arcs. I admit, I’m not current with this series, so to come in on part 5 of the “Demon” storyline is probably a poor move. Based on the “Previously…” page alone, this sounds like it has been one hell of a storyline, with all of Iron Man’s rogues coming together to kick Tony’s ass. If that wasn’t enough, the government is on his ass too, as Ol' Shellhead broke his sobriety. To come into this story in media res is a bit rough, but the pacing is enough that I could understand what was happening (nice for today’s trade written environment). Larocca’s art shines as always, and really, the highest compliment I can pay the book is this - I want to read the first 5 parts of Demon, and then come back for Part 6. Good times.

Prophet #23 Written by Brandon Graham, Art by Simon Roy

I know. Prophet. What the hell. But Prophet isn’t the giant armed Extreme Comics joke he once was. As a part of an across the board relaunch of the Extreme Comics line, Prophet began anew with issue 21 as a weird, European feeling Sci-Fi book. And it’s a damn fine read. The pacing is tentative, the art is unique and overall there’s a great, grimy adventure feel from it. I’ve yet to see John Carter, but I can already say that this type of book is what I would want from that film. I can’t believe it, but it’s 2012, and PROPHET of all comics has me excited.

Supercrooks #1 Written by Mark Millar, Art by Leinil Yu

Yes, Mark Millar is a pompous asshole. And he goes to ridiculous extremes sometimes with his writing. That said, he produces a lot of material I like, including Kick-Ass, The Ultimates, and his post-modern version of Shazam, Superior. Supercrooks is his newest title, reteaming him with Superior artist Leinil Yu. This is your setup issue, so we don’t go too in-depth with the plotting, but it seems like we’re going to get a version of Ocean’s 11 starring super villains. With Yu doing the pencils, it should look pretty, but unfortunately, Mark does his “hur hur, I’m using naughty words” schtick here. Let’s hope that doesn’t get in the way of what could be a great book, yes?

That’s everything for this week. On the docket for my reads next week?

  • The Flash #7
  • Invincible #90
  • Walking Dead #95
  • Avengers vs. X-Men #0
  • Avenging Spider-Man #5
  • Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates #8
So, what did you read this week? Like the column? Drop your thoughts in the comments!