Last week, Mondo kicked off their series of posters celebrating the release of The Avengers on May 4th (here in the states, at least) with posters of Hawkeye and Black Widow.

We were told at the time that they were the first two posters of seven. Well, today - posters number 3 through 6 were announced, and almost universally, they’ll knock you on your ass.  They’ve really gone all out here, grabbing some of Mondo’s best artists from their roster of talent, and created some very striking images of the Marvel heroes we know and love.

Releasing tomorrow, Thursday, April 26th, 2012 are these prints:

Captain America, designed by Phantom City Creative (revealed by

This awesome view of Steve Rogers is a 24"X36" print, limited to a run of 340 prints for $45.

The Hulk, designed by Ken Taylor (revealed, appropriately enough, by FILM CRIT HULK at

A raging Hulk mixed with the new Bruce Banner, Mark Ruffalo, this 24"x36" print is limited to 320 copies for $45. Really has an Aliens feel, doesn’t it?

Following up on Friday, April 27th, 2012 are these posters:

Thor, designed by Martin Ansin (as revealed by

This striking 24"x36" print of the Odinson is limited to a run of 395 prints at $45. A glow in the dark variant will be available as well, costing $75, at a run of 120 copies.

Iron Man, designed by my favorite Mondo artist, Kevin Tong (as revealed by

[caption id=“attachment_6324” align=“aligncenter” width=“500” caption=“Iron Man (Standard)"][/caption]

Tony Stark is given a groovy dissection (similar to the end credits of the first Iron Man film) in this 24"x36” print. The standard edition is limited to 345 copies at $45, with the variant limited to a run of 120, for $75.

[caption id=“attachment_6325” align=“aligncenter” width=“500” caption=“Iron Man (Variant)"][/caption]

As always, these prints will be available at random times on Mondo’s website, so keep an eye on @MondoNewsfor the drop times.  The last poster will probably come next week (I’d wager on release day, May 4th) and is set to feature the whole team.

If that sounds like a lot of work for an Avengers poster, don’t worry, those who are going to the 12:01am IMAX screenings? You get a free poster.

Sure, it’s not a Mondo design, but it’s still a nice commemorative image of the first big movie of the summer. And to think, all you need to do is see the movie, which you were probably doing anyway. Awesome, right? Right.