It’s hard to believe (and this makes me feel old), but it’s been five years since the release of Hot Fuzz.  Which means its been eight years since Shaun of the Dead.  And sure, while Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and Paul were great, I think we’re all missing a good, solid collaboration between Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright, right?

Well, it’s been a long time coming, but it looks like the time is finally right for the third and final part of what has been dubbed the “Cornetto Trilogy” - The World’s End.

Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg have been talking up The World’s End for years (since the press for Hot Fuzz, I believe), but yesterday Mr. Pegg answered the hopes and dreams of many fans like myself…


So I guess this means once Simon Pegg finishes doing his awesome thing as Scotty over at Star Trek 2, The World’s End, with its script finally written, will now get made.

Color me VERY VERY VERY excited. And of course, once I know anything more, you will too.