Revealed in the hours where I found myself in a van to Boston, the new (and most likely final) trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man hit the web (heh), and even watching in a crappy, 3G streaming format, it grabbed me by the throat.  Then, Saturday afternoon, as I watched The Avengers, I saw the trailer unfurl in glorious, beautiful digital projection.

This is a heck of a trailer.  After two dark and brooding trailers, the latest trailer for the Marc Webb directed relaunch finally has the stuff needed to bring the standard Spidey fans in - web swinging the likes of which have never been caught on camera, wise cracks, SCIENCE! (check that exploding web shooter) and yes, THE LIZARD.

I’m still a bit interested to see how the new origin spin goes, especially with the story now so heavily being built around Peter’s parents (and possibly removing an everyman aspect of Parker, by making his powers ‘fated’), but overall, one ticket is sold for me this July. Probably even in 3D too, considering this was natively shot in 3D.

The Amazing Spider-Man starring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone hits theaters on July 3rd, 2012.