This is definitely a real treat for the Hadouken Heads.  To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Street Fighter, Capcom is putting together a massive, fifteen disc box set for both PlayStation 3 and XBox 360 owners.

What’s in the box set? Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix, Street Fighter 3 Third Strike Online Edition, Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (and its DLC), and Street Fighter X Tekken (and its DLC), plus a documentary, two animated movies, the full Street Fighter animated series, and eleven discs of music.

Oh, and a Ryu statue.

You’re probably wondering - how much does this cost? It’s shockingly low - $150, and it will be available on September 18th, 2012.  If you know a big Street Fighter player, I’m not sure that there will be a better gift for them this holiday season.

Check out the gallery below for shots of everything, including a closeup of the statue.

Source: Joystiq.

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