To date, I’m hard pressed to think of a good video game movie adaptation. Not better than it should have been, not good in a cheesy way, just good.

And when it comes to the world of video games, few are revered more by the hardcore gamer than Shadow of the Colossus, a 2005 PlayStation 2 title featuring minimalist gameplay and storytelling as you play a young warrior who’s true love has died and is sent on a quest to kill 16 giants to bring her back.  It’s a beautiful game, truly one of the best examples of video game as art, and one that - even with minimal storytelling, packs an emotional punch and some dark twists along the way.

That said - I’m not sure it can be portrayed in a standard narrative structure.  However, someone is up to the task.

That man? Josh Trank, the director of Chronicle, who since blowing everyone away with his found footage superhero debut has become very popular in Hollywood.  He’s eyeing up a reboot of the Fantastic Four, in talks to do a Venom movie, and now he has been signed by Sony Pictures to develop a large scale live action version of Shadow of the Colossus.

Can he do what so many have tried to do and failed, and make a great video game movie? Or will the simple, beautiful storytelling of what many consider one of the greatest games of all time be strip-mined into becoming another blockbuster.

Stay tuned to this story.
