While we are in the midst of what could be an incredible Summer movie season, I’m already quite excited for the fall, as the fall holds Rian Johnson’s latest - Looper.

I’ve written at length about my excitement for this film, but with each new piece of media or marketing, my anticipation continues to build.

Today brings forth a teaser poster from the UK, which simply and almost menacingly features the time travel device which brings people from the future to their murder in the past.  This device, of course, is how future Bruce Willis ends up being hunted down by his past self, Joseph Gordon Levitt.

Confusing? Well, go back and watch the trailer!

Oh, and those numbers etched on the door? Yeah, they lead to a teaser website. I wonder if it’ll reveal more as time goes on.

Looper hits theaters on September 28th, 2012.

Source: /Film.