Earlier this week on Twitter, I had a conversation with a friend about the current output of Dreamworks Animation.

I really feel like that after a clear second place start in the world of CG animation, they’ve finally started to catch up to Pixar.  Sure, they make some very safe plays still (Madagascar 3, anyone?) but with movies like Kung Fu Panda 1 & 2, How to Train Your Dragon and even MegaMind, they’re finally starting to turn out some great work.

That probably has to do with the glut of talent running towards them, since Pixar’s getting kinda full with talent.

But I digress - perhaps one of the most interesting Dreamworks projects is due to hit theaters this holiday season, and it’s called Rise of the Guardians.

The idea is a really unique sounding idea, yet something I’m surprised hadn’t been done before - all of the classical mythic childhood characters (Santa Claus, Jack Frost, The Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and the Sandman) team up to take on the Boogeyman.

Here’s the trailer.

Additionally, Dreamworks has released a series of character posters which give us a closer look at each of the characters.

You have Nicholas St. North (Santa Claus, portrayed by Alec Baldwin), Jack Frost (portrayed by Chris Pine), Bunnymund (The Easter Bunny, played by Hugh Jackman), Tooth (The Tooth Fairy, played by Isla Fisher), The Sandman and finally the villainous Pitch (The Boogeyman, voiced by Jude Law).

I really like the design work for St. North and Tooth in particular, and the rest has enough character that I think it could work out very well.

Rise of the Guardians hits theaters on November 21st, 2012.

Source: Latino-Review.com.

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