Explosions in the Sky is one of my favorite bands of all time.

Putting together amazing guitar lines in beautiful compositions that seem to transcend the term “song” and feel more like “movements”, the four part post-rock band has become one of my most listened to bands over the past few years.

Their music is quite theatrical, playing out scenes in your head of key moments in time - so it’s only appropriate that their songs have appeared in various movies, including, most notably, 2004’s film adaptation of Friday Night Lights.

In turn, I’m happy to announce that the boys from Austin, Texas have been signed to another theatrical project, that of scoring the forthcoming David Gordon Green film Prince Avalanche.

Starring Paul Rudd and Emile Hersch, the project appears to be a remake of an Icelandic film about two highway maintenance men who work together in the barren wilderness.

No word on the intended release date for the film, but as a noted Rudd-a-holic, this is definitely a flick I will be watching out for.

Source: Pitchfork.