We’re just a week away from the gigantic crazy comic, tv and movie show known as Comic Con International (San Diego Comic Con for the hardcores), and every creator is getting ready to announce something big or showcase something coming down the pike.

Not to be left out, Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O’Malley is looking both back and ahead at the 2012 show.

For the fans of his classic nerd-meets-girl-then-has-to-fight-all-her-boyfriend’s comic Scott Pilgrim, he’s ringing in the release of the new Color Edition of the series with two limited edition versions of the first volume.

Scott Pilgrim: Color Edition Volume 1 will be released early at SDCC 2012 in an exclusive “Evil Edition”, featuring first evil-ex Matthew Patel on the cover.  This edition will run you $40, a minor increase from the standard edition’s $25.

Not awesome enough for you? If you’ve got $100, you can pick up the Limited Edition of the first colored volume, which includes…

  • The Evil Edition of Volume 1
  • A numbered book plate signed by Bryan Lee O'Malley
  • Five art prints featuring both versions of the cover, along with three of volume 1's biggest moments--each measuring 9x12
  • Eleven vinyl stickers featuring some of O'Malley's favorite panels from the book
  • Two scout-style embroidered badges featuring Pilgrim and Patel (not pictured)
  • A hand-crumpled setlist from Crash & the Boys drummer Trasha
  • A two-inch metal Scott Pilgrim 1-up coin
  • A code for the digital edition of SCOTT PILGRIM VOLUME 1 COLOR EDITION from ComiXology
They're both a little rich for my blood (I have Volume 1 pre-ordered at Amazon already), but if you can't get to San Diego next weekend, don't worry. Any leftovers will be on sale on Oni Press's website in August.
So what's that art at the top of the post, you ask? That there is the first promotional image for O'Malley's Pilgrim follow up, the super secret Seconds.  The book will not be releasing until 2013, but to celebrate what Bryan is calling the "negative-one-year anniversary" of the title, he will be giving away and signing prints of that image at the con. How do you get one?  Here's the rules from his tumblr:
FRIDAY 1. Hurry to the Random House booth (#1515) on FRIDAY MORNING. 2. Pick up a ticket for a Seconds print (LIMITED TO 100 FOR FRIDAY!) 3. Return FRIDAY 4 PM to pick up your Seconds print and have it signed by meeee!
SATURDAY 1. Hurry to the Random House booth (#1515) on SATURDAY MORNING. 2. Pick up a ticket for a Seconds print (LIMITED TO 100 FOR SATURDAY!) 3. Return SATURDAY 1 PM to pick up your Seconds print and have it signed by meeee!
As a big Bryan Lee O'Malley fan, it's nice to see the world of Seconds getting closer to coming to life.  I know, you're probably surprised that I'm not falling all over myself to get the limited edition of Color Edition Vol. 1, but I think I can hold out...no matter how cool it is.

Cut to me giving in in August.

Source: Comics Alliance