In the world of indie games, it’s generally easier these days to go to a digital release.  Little to no distributive overhead, and you can sell your game directly to the customers.

However, it’s now becoming an extra treat that once your game does well, you can sell a boxed copy to the hardcore fans, and even new ones who had yet to check your game out.

One such title is the awesome puzzle/platformer Limbo. Set in a stark black and white world, the game captivated all those who played it on Xbox Live Arcade, PC and Mac.  Now that the game has proven to be a success, developer Playdead has released a boxed “Special Edition” of the title, which includes a DRM free copy of the game for PC/MAC (sorry 360 owners), a copy of the games soundtrack, art cards, a gift license to share with a friend, and even 3D glasses for a new 3D mode for the game.

Personally, I picked up the game as part of the Humble Indie Bundle, but no matter what you pay, it’s worth it.  If you haven’t picked the game up yet, you totally should - it’s just $25, available now on Check it out!