Since the release of The Avengers, the blogosphere has been all atwitter, wondering aloud and at length what would be the elements which would make up of Phase Two of the Marvel Studios Cinematic Universe.

All eyes were directly on Marvel, and on Saturday night at SDCC 2012, they let it all out. It was a night full of excitement, surprise announcements and when the smoke cleared, the plan was clear.

Here’s what we now know to be “Phase Two”.

May 3rd, 2013 brings the release of Iron Man 3. The final movie under contract for Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, the film is being directed by Shane Black (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang) and features Ben Kingsley (Gandhi) as lead villain The Mandarin.

The new suit of armor was showcased on the con floor, and while I don’t like it (it’s too gold), I could see it growing on me.

November 8th, 2013 will bring Thor: The Dark World. The second film for the God of Thunder, Marvel Studios promises that “everyone” will be back, but they didn’t say much in terms of plot or villain for the film. Game of Thrones' Alan Taylor will be directing.

April 4th, 2014 is the date for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. From the title alone, it should be clear for comic fans who the villain is - the returning Bucky, as played in Captain America: The First Avenger by Sebastian Stan. Rumor has it that this will be the on-screen debut for The Falcon, to be played by Anthony Mackie (The Hurt Locker).

August 1st, 2014 sends the silver screen Marvel U into SPACE, with Guardians of the Galaxy. Perhaps the weirdest choice yet for a comic film, the team of choice for the Guardians (who have had many incarnations over the years) includes Star-Lord (a space explorer), Drax (an alien), Gamora (a hot space babe), Groot (a living tree) and Rocket Raccoon (yep. a talking raccoon). At least according to the first piece of concept art, seen below.

Undated, but still important, was the official announcement of Edgar Wright (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World) joining the Marvel Studios fold with his long rumored Ant Man film.

No word yet on other rumored films such as Black Panther or The Avengers 2, but it’s clear that Marvel Studios has a plan to match the billions of dollars made thus far, and I can’t wait to see how the movies all come together!

So, dear reader - you’re Marvel Studios - what makes up “Phase Three”? Personally, I long for a Iron Fist & Power Man film from the Black Dynamite team. What say you? Sound off in the comments!