One of the coolest items out of SDCC 2012 came from the action figure nuts at Super7.

Over the past few years, I’ve become a big fan of Alien, and shortly before the release of Prometheus, some close friends and I had a marathon of the Alien films to date. As some googling during the day long marathon showed, there were some really awesome prototypes made in 1979 of 3 3/4" action figures.  They never were released.

Until now. Super7 has revealed that they have obtained the rights to produce figures styled just as they would have been in the late 1970’s.  The set of figures, called the REACTION (“Retro-Action”) Figure series intends to release the figures as if they emerged from a 33 year old time capsule.

The line is to contain figures of Ripley, Kane, Dallas and the Alien, and the release date is TBD. Either way, this could be awesome if the price is right (more than $10 a piece, and I may be skeptical), and I’m glad to see Super7 starting what could be a great trend for lost merchandise for cult films. I hope they succeed.

Source: Super7