This past weekend, attached to The Dark Knight Rises was the general public’s first look at Zach Snyder’s take on the Superman mythos - Man of Steel.

Turns out Warner Bros decided to make it fun for us fans, as there were actually two versions of the trailers, with different voiceovers.

The first was that which I saw early Friday morning - featuring a voiceover from Jonathan “Pa” Kent (Kevin Costner).

The second, that which I feel is the better of the two, features a voiceover from Jor-El (Russell Crowe).

Either way, it’s clear that this is a story of fathers, sons, and a (super)man finding his way in the world.

The tone is certainly unlike anything which Snyder has released before, and certainly isn’t what I think any of us expected from a Superman movie.  But it drew me in. It’s very reminiscent of the work of Terrance Malick (The Tree of Life), and the trailer made me think as much about our first look at Batman Begins as it did The Tree of Life teaser.

What say you, dear readers?

Man of Steel hits theaters on June 14th, 2013.