It seems that every Christmas season, we’re now being faced with a big budget, 3D based film from one of Hollywood’s strongest directors. Starting with James Cameron pushing the envelope with Avatar (what you may say of the quality of the movie, he is taken VERY seriously by Hollywood), you had Martin Scorsese putting together the sublime Hugo last year, and this year seems to bring forth the return of Ang Lee (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) and the 3D film Life of Pi.

Based on a 2001 fantasy novel, the film gives us a unique protagonist, a single, young survivor of a freighter disaster, traversing in a lifeboat with a tiger, a hyena, a zebra and an orangutan.

The first full length trailer released this week, and at the least, it looks beautiful. But we’ll have to see how the story plays out. Could it be good? Or just 3D Oscar bait.

Either way, we will know soon.

Life of Pi hits theaters on November 21st, 2012.