The world of Dreamworks Animation continues to be permeated with unique and interesting sounding films.  Well, when they’re not Circus Afro referencing crap comedies.

One of the more interesting projects coming down the pike from the house that Spielberg built is Me And My Shadow.  The story of a boring human (voiced by Josh Gad of Book of Mormon fame) who is abandoned one day by his restless shadow (voiced by Saturday Night Live’s Bill Hader), the first image from the film was released this week, appearing at the top of the post.

What’s going to keep this movie on my radar, however, is how the film is being put together - the characters and the like will be Dreamworks trademark computer generated animation (assumably in 3D), but the shadow and his antics will be completely hand-drawn, mixing the old and new styles of animation in a great way.

Unfortunately, this flick won’t be hitting theaters until March 14th, 2014, but one hopes that the movie will match up to the potential. Weirder things have happened.
