Sometimes in life, I find these things which I determine as my goal for when I become an eccentric millionaire.

I have a new one.

Revealed at WonderFestival 2012 (which our own Chris K. has done a great job of covering), is the absolutely astonshing KURATAS battle robot, as designed by Suidobashi Heavy Industry in where else but Japan.

This robot, which costs a shockingly affordable $1.2 million is 13 feet tall, weighs 4-tons and can be controlled via an iPhone.  If that wasn’t cool enough, the damn thing has a 6,000 shot BB gun attached to it.

You can go ahead and order it from their website today (and customize it, if you so like), but for the rest of us who will only get to know the awesomeness over the internets, enjoy the great “How To” video posted on YouTube.

Source: Laughing Squid.