Crazy 4 Cult, the amazing pop-culture based art show which put Gallery 1988 on the map these past few years, is finally expanding beyond the sunny side of Los Angeles to the most busy city in the world, New York City for the latest iteration of their amazing art show.

Featuring, I kid you not, over 200 artists, Crazy 4 Cult New York opens Thursday night, August 9th at 6pm, and will be set up at 64 Gansevoort St. in the Meat Packing District in New York. The art will remain up through September 1st.

Below, you’ll find a gallery of just a taste of the artwork (I’m not going to host ALL of it, you crazy?) and I trust you’ll find it’s some of the coolest pop culture based work yet. From a brilliant My Neighbor Totoro/Donnie Darko mashup to the greatest piece of Shaun of the Dead fan art I’ve ever seen (which really makes me want to see such a game created), it covers all tastes and interests.

For more details on Crazy 4 Cult NY, head to Gallery 1988’s website. Personally, I’m going to try to take a road trip for this one!

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