To the surprise of very few this weekend, the reunion of (almost) every single major 80’s action star, The Expendables 2, opened at #1 with $28.7 million.  Sorry, ParaNorman, you’re great, but you didn’t stand a chance.

Of course, now that two films with the throwback star compilation premise have done extremely well, the floodgates are being opened for new projects in a similar vein.

The first off the bat, which really shouldn’t surprise many, is The Expendables 3.  No set release date for the movie, but it’s an unspoken rule these days that all movies MUST become franchises.  The producer of the film, Avi Lerner told website Total Film that they’re aiming to add action heavy hitters Wesley Snipes, Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford and (of course) Nicolas Cage to the franchise.  I assume Snipes will be out of jail in time for filming.

Want more Arnold and Sly action? Great!

The new year will bring Arnold Schwarzenegger’s headlining return with The Last Stand. Debuting on January 18th, 2013, The Last Stand stars Arnold as a border town sheriff who gets mixed up with a Mexican drug cartel. You can hear the red state’s excitement ALREADY!

The first trailer, above, released last week. Perhaps most interesting is that this is the US filmmaking debut for director Kim Ji-woon, best known for the ultra-violent I Saw The Devil.  Here’s hoping it’s at least better than Terminator 3.

Sly’s next movie is Bullet to the Head, an adaptation of a French graphic novel. Originally slated for release in April 2012, the movie was pushed back to a February 1st, 2013 release, and features amongst other things, Sly fighting KHAL DROGO!  Here’s the trailer for that one.

Was that too much testosterone for you? Surprise, the marketing wizards in Hollywood are already coming for you. Last, but far from least, in the wake of all of the press for The Expendables 2 last week, producer Adi Shankar (The Grey) told Variety that he was working on an all-female version of the film.  No stars have been mentioned so far, but personally, I’d like to see a Pam Grier/Zoe Bell/Gina Carano team. So long as we keep Michelle Rodriguez far far away from this, it could be pretty cool. Anyone know if Cynthia Rothrock is still alive?