Given that ever since SDCC 2012 Marvel Studio news has been coming fast and furious, I should start condensing the updates as they happen.

Here’s the two biggest bits of news from last week:

After announcing that they’re basically giving Joss Whedon the keys to Marvel City, Marvel Studios has announced that The Avengers 2 will be hitting theaters on May 1st, 2015, just shy of 3 years after the first one blew our minds earlier this year.

The other big update - it looks like Marvel has chosen a director to head the Guardians of the Galaxy film, and it’s an odd choice - BUT A GREAT ONE!

Director James Gunn, responsible for the movie Slither, and one of my favorite movies, the dark comedy Super, is apparently the lead choice to take on the project. He wasn’t on my radar at all, but the more I think about it, I love it. He made Slither work, and I think he could do the same for a bad-ass talking raccoon.  Either way, it gives me an excuse to embed the amazing opening credits for Super. Enjoy.