With the keys to Marvel Studios in his hands, Joss Whedon is officially moving ahead alongside ABC for the first live-action television series to tie into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And it’s title? S.H.I.E.LD.

As predicted by many (including myself), the project focuses directly on the mysterious men and women who make up the organization seemly tasked with keeping the world involved with and safe from the many superpowered heroes and threats which have started to appear since 2008’s Iron Man.

No cast or plot is announced at this time, but Joss Whedon will be co-writing with his brother Jed Whedon and Jed’s wife Maurissa Tancharoen who worked with him on the script for the Avengers. Joss is apparently considering directing the pilot now as well.

Geeks, nerds, movie fans and comic fans - get excited. It’s very rare that we get EXACTLY what we want, and this is a case where we are. Let us hope that the series takes off huge, and more projects like this get greenlit. I am VERY excited.

Source: Deadline.com.