Why is it always the unpublished ideas that are the most intriguing?  Is it because they never have the opportunity to let us down, and are left with unmatched promise?

Add this to the list. Apparently before DC went all New 52 on us, Chris Ryall of IDW approached DC Comics with a pitch to mix up the classic robot vehicle heroes of Transformers with the iconic superheroes of Justice League. That’s right - JLA/Transformers.

He had artist Phil Jimenez draw up some images to hype the possibility, and I’ve added the big promo shot to the top. Look at the possibilities! Optimus Prime as a Green Lantern! A Bat-Transformer! Megatron versus Superman!

How cool would this have been? Alas, it now resides as a “what if” and not a “will be”…but maybe we here on the internet could make it happen. Fingers crossed.

Source: Bleeding Cool.