Want To Win DARK SHADOWS on Blu-Ray?
Today, the DVD/Blu-Ray combo pack of Tim Burton’s Dark Shadows hit shelves, and to celebrate the release of the disc, we at blast-o-rama have been given a copy by Warner Bros to give to YOU, our dear readers!
Just use the app above and take the Are You Creepy Enough? Quiz and post your results in the comments section.
We’ll take your answers through 11:59 PM Eastern, Friday, October 5th and one random person will be selected to receive the combo pack. Be sure to leave your real email address in your comment, so we can have the disc sent straight to you! This post will stay stickied to the top of the blog, so if you’ve already entered, scroll down for the new posts!
Best of luck!
THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED! Congrats to ‘Kevin’ for his win!

Tuesday October 2, 2012