The poster producing team at Skuzzles sure is making the most of their working relationship with film studio MGM. Last week, we showcased their posters for the 80’s classic Teen Wolf, and later today they release a brand new poster for another classic from that decade - the Jean Claude Van Damme epic Bloodsport!

Designed by artist Randy Ortiz, this 18"x24" print is limited to a run of 175, and will be on sale at later today for just $35, an absolute steal in the world of screenprinted movie posters.

There’s no doubt that Bloodsport is one of the greatest action movies of all time, and now it has one of the classier posters of all time. Plus, I think it’s the first instance of a screenprinted movie poster that will look great hung up in a gym!  Go get yourself one.

[caption id=“attachment_9660” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”] This will be you after you buy it.[/caption]